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27/03/2018, 14:15 | #1 | |
Barbara21 - Colombian - Villarroel, 15X - BCN - 603270853 - English
Nombre "artístico": Barbara21 Nacionalidad (u origen probable): From colombia but italian parents Edad (aparente y/o anunciada): 21 Fotos falsas o retocadas?: Real, home made Descripción de Cara: Cute, expressive, always i have sensation like lie with classmate, the pretty one, the most courted school. Descripción de Cuerpo: for me beautiful, small but explosive. About 1.60mt Descripción de Carácter: sweet joyful passionate, but it depends a lot how you are with her Vestimenta: like when he's at home, but it's my request, I like to undress her Fumadora: i don't smell nothing CONTACTO Teléfono: 603270853 Web/Anuncio: https://www.sexomercadobcn.com/barbara21-colombiana-muntaner-gran-via-bcn-603270853-blog-t345628.html Dirección: Villarroel, now in a new place(Muntaner/Gran Via) Horario: in the morning LUGAR DE ENCUENTRO Ambientación/decoración: all the rooms I visited were very good Valoración: beautiful rooms but only bed and stop, a sofa or similar would not be bad Aire Acondicionado: not used SERVICIO Fecha de la experiencia: 23/2 morning, 27/2duplex with Ariadna morning, 01/3 morning, 02/3 morning Tarifa contratada (en €): 120/hour Otras tarifas ofertadas: look blog Duración real del servicio: 1 hour or more Besos/morreos?: without asking them Francés (sin/con protección)/garganta profunda?: without, but isnt her strong point, but i like it Cunnilingus?: absolutely i fell in love for her pussy Sexo anal?: no, I do not care with her, although it has a great ass Deja acabar en su boca/cara?: absolutely Relato del encuentro: being with Barbara is really like being with your cute classmate (that of the first desk), desired by everyone. very sensual but above all really very very sweet, GFE perferct. Very sensual but above all really very very sweet, GFE perferct. Valoración de la implicación: 9.5, 10 I think it's almost impossible, she is still very much above average as GFE, if I lived in barcelona I would be with her every week. Valoración final (lo mejor/lo peor): All perfect, the worst ... do not be 20 years old Última edición por Lextor; 27/03/2018 a las 17:24. |
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